Line Plot showing the Values of Each Variable during 2005-2020

Scatter Plot: WHS ~ Logged GDP per capita

Scatter Plot: WHS ~ Social Support

Scatter Plot: WHS ~ Healthy life expectancy at birth

Scatter Plot: WHS ~ Freedom to make life choices

Scatter Plot: WHS ~ Generosity

Scatter Plot: WHS ~ Perceptions of corruption

Scatter Plot: WHS ~ Democracy

Scatter Plot: WHS ~ Democracy (linear regression line)

Scatter Plot: WHS ~ Population Size (logged)

Scatter Plot: WHS ~ Population Density (logged)

Scatter Plot: Diff. in WHS ~ Diff. in Democracy

Scatter Plot: Diff. in WHS ~ Diff. in Population Density (logged)

Scatter Plot: Diff. in WHS ~ Diff. in Population Density (logged)